What is Deesse?
Deesse is a blockchain-enabled, idle Role-Playing Game (RPG) or Card Placement Game (CPG) with progress-based and skill-based features and incorporating Play to Earn mechanics, allowing players to earn tokens and NFT in the gameplay. Deesse will be available on mobile apps and web pages and open to international players. Currently, Deesse only supports English and Japanese. More languages will be added in the future.
As a well-developed Japanese Anime style game with 2D artistic design and renowned voice actor casting (like Konomi Kohara, Koshimizu Ami), the game already gained enormous attentions in the traditional Japanese gaming market. In the past few months, a dedicated professional team in Japan, together with international partners, are leveraging blockchain technology to transform the successful traditional mobile game into blockchain-enabled Gamefi projection with an expansive international user base and in the long run into a metaverse project with interoperability with other platforms.
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